Sunday, August 16, 2015

Moving Forward - Week One

"The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger." 
Job 17:9 (NLT)

Happy new (school) year! 

You are going to do amazing work in your classroom, school and community for the next 180+ days. Get excited. In fact, a year from today, you will marvel at the all of the success you accomplished with your school community. This success will grow from the learning and planning done over this all-to-quick summer, but also because of what is in your heart and in your history. 

You will deeply believe in the potential of every student and staff member you encounter. You will take the time to hear every story and have the courage to empathize with each child and teacher. Your heart will fuel  the diligence, consistency and attention to detail it takes to make incredible growth happen.

As you start your new steps, you will remember the path you have already started. Whether it is a new position, placement or environment, what you have learned in the past has set the foundation for what you will now build. You are going to make a difference because of your experience. Your school-house life and career up to this point - the pitfalls, promotions and everything in between - has prepared you for this moment. 

Every new face will remind you of a past one. Every new aha! moment will feel familiar. Most importantly, every child and adult you interact with will be yet another life you have made matter by the value you communicated to them about their culture, contribution and creativity. Even the problems you see in this new space will be solved by virtue of the knowledge gained from similar past tests you may have failed. You will pass every test this time. 

You are ready for this year.

Success in any endeavor is as much about progression as anything else. In that sense, winning is walking. Warring. Working. You will win this year. And everyone you come in contact with will have no other choice but to walk with you. Forward.